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AND... ME!

The Journey of a hormonal teenager with worse Genes than eBay (Really!)
About Me

About Me

I am the not very famous hormonal teenager in the sub-heading of this blog! :D 


Well how about that for a brilliant opening... 

Anyway, my name is Tasha! I am 19 years old (Yikes! An Adult) and I live every day as a sloth. Nope. No I don't, however with the amount of time I spend in bed, I may as well. 

I have this super uber rare genetic disorder called HNPP, which I like to think makes me special, but in reality, somewhere in the UK there are about 1000 people just like me!! :D (I can still be special though pfft...) 

Not only do I have this weird genetic thingy that everyone is likely going "Huh, whats that?" about right now, I also have autism! So I am a bundle of over excited fun, kind of like a puppy but a lot less cute and a lot more problematic. 

I have decided to start a blog because...


Yes. Me. A disabled individual. Going to UNIVERSITY? Shocker! 

But in all seriousness, I just wanted to start a small blog to help other disabled students, or just random people who find themselves here in the weird part of the internet!  

Please always feel free to ask me questions. I may bite in person, but I have not yet figured out how to bite through a computer screen, you are safe. (Joking! Not about the safe part, about the biting in person, Cannibalism is bad.) 

I am sure by now you have noticed, my main way of getting through life is through jokes! So sit back, relax and enjoy the weird storm of crazy that is about to hit you!

See you soon! 




Work Experience

What am I up to? 

I thought it might be good to update this box every now and again with things I am up to! I mean, why not make it easier for my stalkers (HI! :D) 


If you are reading this, it means I have not yet updated what I am up to at the moment, my life is currently too boring *yawn* or I have traded my soul for food and cannot type. One of the above options is correct, you may never know which one...


I am a campaigner! I like to help people and do other campaign type things, such as make statements and try to put things right! Educate Don't Discriminate is my next campaign project that I wanted to keep you all updated on! :) 


For example here is the leaflet from my campaign! I am sure it is going to crop up on blogs, and I will update you from time to time! But why don't you check out the website... :)

Educate Don't Discriminate

Contact Me

Contact Me

I would love to hear from you guys! :)

Get messaging me through the form below, or feel free to check out my social media! I can't wait to meet you! :D 

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© 2018 by Natasha Krywald

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