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10 tips to achieving your goals!

Ever Since I was young, I wanted to be an Author. Back then, the majority of my stories were about crazy and wacky adventures, where small people ended up falling over a lot, or being absorbed by mirrors (I was an odd child). But now, many many years on, I have managed to finally reach my goal. Of course at first I did not know that my book would be a support guide, for other young people, but I am now so glad that The Carers Companion, my book baby, is around! But how did I get there?

1. Perseverance! With any goal, there will always be someone telling you that you can't do it. But you can! :) If i had given up the first time someone doubted me, I would have never even written the first line, but here I am less than two years later, writing my blog and preparing for the first 3000 copy launch!

2. Smile! A Smile makes everything feel better, and gives you a more positive outlook on your day. Being positive seems to make you much more productive!

3. Eat well! You need a healthy body for a healthy mind, and a healthy mind to reach your goals. This means drinking well too.

4. Have a 'can do' attitude! 2016 was not an easy year for me, I was recently diagnosed with a genetic condition as well as ASD, but I knew that my life was more than trips to the doctor. I tried my very best to keep pushing myself through everything, and I am so glad that I did! You need to push yourselves too!

5. Stretch yourself, just not too far! It is no good setting unrealistic goals. I am never going to set myself a real goal of walking to the moon in 3 days for example, because I just physically couldn't. You need a goal you can work towards but also one you will be close enough to finishing to stay motivated.

6. Give yourself plenty of time! Nothing is worse than running out of time to do something you wanted to, so ensure when you have a goal you allocate time to doing it. Else, you may not achieve what you wanted to.

7. Leading on from time, get enough sleep! Never prioritize your goals over sleeping. Your body needs this to function, and nothing ever comes before your health. There will be time in the morning to sort out rescheduling, for now get some rest :)

8. Never be afraid to ask for help. Having a goal does not mean you have to get there completely alone. You can always reach out for help from friends, family or even online without telling anyone who you are if your goal is top

secret! Sometimes others can see things easier than you, and there is no harm in asking :)

9. Don't give up!! This one may sound Cliche but we all consider doing it. Just think, next time the thought of giving up pops into your brain, what a waste of your time and effort it would be to give up now. You can and will achieve what you set out to do!

And finally 10. Be honest with yourself. There is no good, telling yourself you will do this tomorrow if you won't, or you are fine if you are not. You have to be honest with the main man in all of this, and of course that main man is you. Never pretend to be anything you are not, especially to yourself, and remember you are only human, we all make mistakes, we all fail, but failure is the first step of learning!

Good luck with all your goals!

Stay Smiling, Love Tasha

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